- Folder Biological field
- Views 4564
- Last Updated 22/04/2022
Main Equipments
Real-time PCR machines CFX96- Biorad
Used to detect or quantify the sample by amplified gene sequence
Supported Equipments
Scientific NanoDrop 1000 -Thermo machine
Perform the analysis auxiliary for Western blot, Quantitative and quantitative PCR.
Measuring the concentration of DNA, RNA, Protein.
Syngene gel cameras
Agarose gel DNA capture
Coomassie staining protein shooting
Electrophoresis and transfer system proteins - Biorad
Perform technical analysis for Western blot:
Protein electrophoresis, transfer proteins from gel to membrane
Nitrocellulose or PVDF in protein expression analysis
Centrifuge Mikro 200R-Hettich
Perform the analysis auxiliary for Western blot,
in the analysis of gene expression and protein.
Auxiliary for quantitative and quantitative PCR.
Centrifuge samples for protein extraction, extraction of DNA, RNA.
Sanyo oven
Use to dry and sterilize laboratory instruments
SANYO refrigerators
Containers and stored at 4 ° C the chemical requirements
Biological Safety Cabinets 2 Esco level
For extracting and preparing the tube PCR reactions for and RT-PCR
Hirayama autoclaving HVE-50
Use to sterilize instruments, environmental, accessories and equipment
Loopster Digital Camcorder - IKA
Perform analysis to support Western blot
Protein extraction, the first antibody permeability, 2nd antibody in protein expression analysis
Scotsman Flake Ice Machine
Providing flake ice for protein extraction process, RNA and several steps of separation, extraction of DNA
LabNe tBlock Heat
Heat Shock Protein before electrophoresis and a number of steps to extract the DNA, RNA, protein.