
The Vietnam Journal of Food Control (VJFC) has recently been newly approved for the list of scientific journals of the State Council of Professors of Medicine and scored 0-0,5 on the Pharmacy, Chemistry - Food Technology and Biology Council lists
Food poisoning is a serious global public health issue. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are around 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses each year, resulting in 420,000 deaths. In addition to toxins and chemicals...
Pesticides play an important role in agriculture of every country in the world. However, pesticide residues in food and agriculure products have been still reported by a number of studies or food inspection...
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are toxic and difficult to decompose, causing harm to human health and the environment as stipulated in the Stockholm Convention. Vietnam is the 14th member participating in the Stockholm...
Histamine is a natural chemical found in many foods, is synthesized in the body, and can occur naturally in foods or be created during fermentation. Histamine can cause allergic reactions...
