Dispatching of proficiency testing samples in May 2022

Dear participants,

Organizing Committee of proficiency testing pleases to inform registered laboratories that take part in PT schemes in May 2022 as follows:

Samples are dispatched to participants on May 31, 2022, including the following schemes:

  1. Determine physicochemical tests (Ethanol, Methanol, Aldehyde, Ester, Furfurol, Higher Alcohols) in rice wine, code H22.11
  2. Determine values of Acid, Iodine and Peroxide in vegetable oil, code H22.12
  3. Determine Flavonol Glycosides in functional food, code H22.13
  4. Escherichia coli and Total Coliforms (Enumeration) in water, code H22.14

We would like to request that you have a plan on human resources, chemicals, standards and equipment to receive and analyze samples in time according to the schedule of the Proficiency testing provider.

When receiving the samples, please confirm by filling in the "Sample receive confirmation” form and sending it to the Proficiency testing provider via email: ptp.rm@nifc.gov.vn.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Below is the picture of the dispatching samples:

  • Total4931099
  • Month49
  • Today33
  • Online1