- Folder Proficiency testing plan
- Views 1733
- Last Updated 10/02/2023
Dear Laboratories
The National Institute for Food Control plans to organize proficiency testing schemes in February 2023, laboratories wishing to participate can refer to the details in the sections below (click on each program):
Hardness, pH, Turbidity, Colour, TDS in Domestic water |
Physicochemical parameter: |
Physicochemical parameters: Chloride, Chlorite, Chlorate in Drinking water |
Preservative: in Soft drink (Orange juice) |
Sweeteners: in Soft drink (Orange juice) |
Pesticides: Difenconazole, Acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, Indoxacarb, Profenofos, Buprofezin in Tomato |
Microbiology: Quantification by MPN technique: In Health Supplement |
If you are interested in the above schemes, please register at the Registration Form attached here.
1. Physicochemical parameters: Hardness, pH, Turbidity, Colour, TDS in Domestic water
Clean water is indispensable in human life. Water quality affects people's quality of life and health.In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of water quality, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Determination of Hardness, pH, Turbidity, Colour, TDS in Domestic water.
Fee: 2,000,000 VND/2 parameters from the third parameter: 200,000 VND/parameter
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.
2. Physicochemical parameter: Cyanide in Drinking water
Currently, the production and business of bottled drinking water are increasing to meet the increasing consumption needs of society. Cyanide is present in water and soil from industrial processes. Cyanide is considered a strong and fast-acting poison. Exposure to large amounts of cyanide can cause brain and cardiovascular damage, and exposure in low doses can cause consequences such as difficulty breathing, heart attack, vomiting, blood changes, headache, and scaling. Thyroid. Therefore, the control of cyanide in bottled water is essential.
In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of water quality, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Determination of Cyanide in drinking water.
Fee: 2,000,000 VNĐ
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.
3. Physicochemical parameters: Chloride, Chlorite, Chlorate in Drinking water
In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of Chloride, Chlorite, Chlorate in Drinking water, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Determination of Chloride, Chlorite, Chlorate in Drinking water.
Fee: 2,000,000 VND/2 parameters from the third parameter: 200,000 VND/parameter
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.
4. Preservative:Sodium benzoate, Potasium sorbate in Soft drink (Orange juice)
The soft drink contains water as the main ingredient, a favorable environment for microorganisms to grow. pH is also important for microbial growth, influencing properties such as color, taste, and texture, and tailoring a product's taste to consumer tastes and product acidity. adjusted to the appropriate pH. Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate are two commonly used preservatives in the production of non-alcoholic beverages.
In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of preservative in soft drink, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Determination of Sodium benzoate, Potasium sorbate in Soft drink (Orange juice).
Fee: 2,500,000 VNĐ
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.
5. Sweeteners: Saccharin, Cyclamate, Aspartam, Acesulfame K in Soft drink (Orange juice)
Saccharin, Cyclamate, Aspartame, and Acesulfame K are used in the processing of many foods, including non-alcoholic beverages. Short-term sweeteners have a weight-loss effect by reducing the number of calories in a sugary diet. Long-term studies suggest the potential for long-term harm from increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and death.
In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of sweeteners in soft drink, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Determination of Saccharin, Cyclamate, Aspartam, Acesulfam K in Soft drink (Orange juice).
Fee: 2,500,000 VND/2 parameters from the third parameter: 200,000 VND/parameter
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.
6. Pesticides: Difenconazole, Acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, Indoxacarb, Profenofos, Buprofezin in Tomato
Difeconazole, Acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, Indoxacarb, Profenofos, and Buprofezin are six active ingredients belonging to 5 different groups of pesticides and are commonly used active ingredients with more than 5% of trade names in the list of pesticides permitted for use in Vietnam. Vietnam according to Circular No. 19/2021/TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of pesticides in tomato, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Determination of Difenconazole, Acetamiprid, Imidacloprid, Indoxacarb, Profenofos, Buprofezin in tomato.
Fee: 3,000,000 VND/2 parameters from the third parameter: 500,000 VND/parameter
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.
7. Microbiology: Quantification by MPN technique: Escherichia coli, Coliforms In Health Supplement
Health supplements are products used to supplement the daily diet to maintain, enhance and improve the functions of the human body. There are many cases where the microorganism is low, if using the pour plate technique it may not be possible to quantify, then a thorough MPN is an effective solution.
In order to improve the laboratory’s testing capacity of microbiology in heal supplement, the National Institute for Food Control (NIFC) provides a proficiency testing scheme Quantification by MPN technique: Escherichia coli, Coliforms In Health Supplement.
Fee: 2,000,000 VND/1 parameter, 2,500,000 VND/2 parameters
Time schedule: 02/2023
Interested laboratory, click Register for participating.