Determine Cause of Poisoning


Histamine is a natural chemical found in many foods, is synthesized in the body, and can occur naturally in foods or be created during fermentation. Histamine can cause allergic reactions...


Allergy is a common condition, caused by the immune system's reaction to a foreign substance (also called an allergen). These substances are mainly protein-based, and usually not harmful, but humans might have reactions...


Brugmansia is a wild woody plant, grown by many people for ornamental purposes, popular in all localities across the country and has many potential risks related to poisoning due to using this plant as a food.


Thornapple, a group plant considered as medicine, yet also has high toxicity. All parts of the plant are highly toxic if used inappropriately.


Toad poisoning is a dangerous and frequent phenomenon in Vietnam, although there have been many warnings about the risks of using toads as food. In traditional medicine, toad meat is used to treat children's malnutrition due