Technical News


Mushroom poisoning is caused by the ingestion of mushrooms containing toxic substances. Depending on the poisonous mushroom, symptoms can vary from mild discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract to death in about ten days.


Capparis versicolor, which Vietnamese name is “Hong trau”, grows wild in the forest, common in mountainous areas along the border, the fruit is large and beautiful, eye-catching, so they are often picked and eaten. In many cases, people have been hospital


Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant, is essential for the living body but cannot be synthesized by humans. The following article will give you an overview about the role of vitamin C and their content in some common fresh fruits and vegetables, as a referenc


Honey, a natural nutritional food, refers to many health benefits, that still needs to be verified. Therefore, using honey also needs reasonable to ensure the safety of consumers' health.


Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in the body, including affecting blood clotting and bone growth.

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